Procedures: There will be two parts to this experiment. Additionally, according to Newton's third law of motion, the force that one object exerts on a second object will be equal and opposite to the force the second object exerts on the first. On the other hand, if the force acting on an object remains constant while the mass increases, then the acceleration of the object will decrease. If the mass of an object is held constant while the force acting on the object increases, then the acceleration of the object will increase. According to Newton's second law of motion, the net force acting on an object equals the product of the object's mass and its acceleration. Force is a 'push or a "pull' acting on an object. Mass is a quantitative measure of an object's inertia (inertia being the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion). Principles: Acceleration is the time rate of change of an object's velocity. Additionally, the relationship between the 'action force' one object exerts on a second object, and the reaction force' the second object exerts back on the first will be studied. In particular, by varying the force applied to a cart and measuring the force and resulting acceleration of the cart, and then by varying the mass of the cart and again measuring force and acceleration, the proper relationship between force, mass and acceleration should become clear. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to determine the relationship between forces and accelerations, as determined by Newton's Laws.
#Physics 101 answers software#
Additionally, there In this experiment, you will use the PASCO Capstone software program to determine the Tension and Acceleration of a cart runs 1 th system, will be will be a final run demonstrating Newton's third law. For rough 5 the mass hanging off the end of the track, which provides the force to accelerate the varied, and in runs 6 through 9 the mass of the cart will be varied. String Mass hanger and four 20 g slotted weights Two cylindrical cart weights (you may have to share with another group) Two rectangular cart weights Spirit Level Introduction being pulled horizontally along a track. Physics 101, Lab 2 FORCE AND MOTION Equipment List Laptop Computer with Capstone softiware (with power supply if applicable) Linear Track rdlss smat carts. As the mass of the cart M gets very small, T approaches what value? Explain 13 As the mass of the cart, M gets very large, T approaches what value? Explain. NOTE: One equation will include M, but not m, and the other will include m, but not M. Apply Newton's 2nd Law to each mass and derive TWO SEPARATE expressions for the Tension (T) of the system as a function of acceleration (a), M, m and g. Draw two free-body diagrams, one for the cart (M) and one for the falling mass (m). lowing questions, and hand in this sheet prior 1.
#Physics 101 answers manual#
PHYSICS 101 LAB 2: FORCE AND MOTION PREDICTION SHEET Name: After reading through the Introduction, Purpose and Principles sections of the lab manual skimming through the procedures), answer the fol to the beginning the lab.